Fly fishing on the Kötschachtaler Ache – a special nature experience
Whether you are already a pro when it comes to fly fishing, or you simply want to give this wonderful outdoor activity another try during your holidays. Fly fishing along the private fishing waters of the Kötschachtaler Ache, an exclusive opportunity available to you as a guest of 4-star-superior Hotel Norica, is certain to excite and captivate you. Take advantage of this chance to discover a sense of total peace amid pristine nature, to experience the power of the water and, led personally by Ernst Czerny, owner of the Thermenhotels, do something absolutely unforgettable.
The Kötschachtaler Ache, which runs through the Hohe Tauern National Park nature sanctuary, is a true Eldorado for every avid fly fisherman and -woman. But also those who wish to enjoy the calming, relaxing effects of this sport for the first time, or want to share their personal childhood memories with their own youngsters, have the unique opportunity in the Czerny family’s private fishing waters, with a bit of expert assistance, to practice the right flick of the rod and enjoy those first magical successes. Ernst Czerny will guide you in person, show you the best spots, and thus guarantee you a rewarding outdoor adventure.
The Kötschachtaler Ache is actually an unforgettable highlight in its own right. It has its source at the Tischlerkar at around 2,200 m above sea level, at the foot of the Tischlerkarkogel (3004 m), and is fed by many small streams that flow down from the Tischlerkarsee (cirque glacier). South-east of the Prossau Alpine House, the mountain stream plunges down a series of waterfalls and cliffs into an avalanche basin, where the Kötschachtaler Ache re-forms. To this day, we still find evidence of a powerful rock fall which occurred several years ago, plowing down through the mountain forest and altering the natural course of the stream.
Fly Fishing in Gastein
The Kötschachtaler Ache is a water course as natural as you will find anywhere in today’s world. Sometimes the water flows very peacefully, but the next moment, just a few meters further along, it becomes imposingly powerful. This represents an additional challenge for anglers in search of the prime areas where fish tend to gather. And there are definitely more than enough fish out there! Wild brook trout (80%) as well as Arctic char (20%) love this crystal-clear mountain water.
As a guest of Hotel Norica, you have the exclusive opportunity to fish the Kötschachtaler Ache. And in the evening, successful anglers can first have their catch skillfully prepared by the 4-star chef of Hotel Norica, then enjoy it immediately! The season begins March 1st and ends on the 30th of September.
Only fly fishing is permitted. Fly-fishing rods are available to borrow upon request.